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Our Company
We are committed in our endeavor of providing quality training to our students and ensuring a bright and rewarding career to them.
Highlights of our Values:
• To be innovative and instructive
• To be committed and responsible, Socially.
• To be trustworthy and goal oriented.
• To be the best among the crowd.
• To be a model institution , for others to emulate.
“It has always been a dream of mine to become a fashion designer but I never had the knowledge of using a sewing machine or even putting garments together. It was amazing to discover the only fashion school inCalicut and it was a blessing to attend Brainnet Center for Fashion Design. I learned everything neccessary to have a successful career in designing and definitly plan on pursuing Fashion full time.
As a student of Luxury Brands at Brainnet, I found it an exciting experience. Submissions, celebrity lectures, an in depth study of luxury market in India including a great experience in Milan which gave me a chance to intern and work with one of the world’s leading luxury brands Burberry, as a fashion consultant